ChiptuneRS News
Porsche Macan 2023 SIMOS19.3 Stage 1 + Pop & Bang Flames by ChiptuneRS

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At chip tuners, we have developed special options for our customers who want to take their driving experience to the next level. We came up with a brand new code for the ECU where our customers can get new features like Anti-Theft Mode, Launch Control, No Lift Shift, New Pop and Bang and many more features. We would like our customers to enjoy the ride with engine features like no one has.

Our engineers can program the hard-cut function in the ECU. This great feature allows the maximum speed of the car to be reached without engaging the ECU. Thanks to the Hardcut Limiter, a driver can experience a real race car performance.

Pops & Bangs
The amazing Pop and Bang is the sound of fuel exploding in the exhaust when you release the throttle. Pop and Bang is also called "Burle on overrun" or "Crackle Map". At chip tuners we have developed this function to maintain the RMP of the turbo. Thanks to this feature, a car reduces the reaction time when you accelerate after a delay. People use this feature to give their car more racing car sound. This function is also anti-lag for the turbo.

MAP switch function
The MAP shift function allows the driver to change the level of performance while driving a car.

Cold start removal
The cold start is used to start a vehicle's engine when it is still cold. Due to the winter weather, the engine temperature is low. Our engineers can remove the "cold start" function from your customer's car. Make an appointmentRequest a priceAsk your question

Exhaust valve control
This function allows you to change and control the opening and closing of the exhaust valves. Thanks to this feature, your car can be lazier or quieter depending on your needs. If we open the exhaust valve control fully, the maximum flow mode in the exhaust system is activated, so the car is louder.

Start-Stop Deactivation
With this feature, your car will not stop the engine when it comes to a stop. This feature is necessary, especially for racers and those who like to accelerate quickly and stop in the short distance.
Door het coronavirus staat het leven van alle Nederlanders op zijn kop. Om de verspreiding van het coronavirus zoveel mogelijk tegen te gaan dienen wij tijdelijk anders met elkaar om te gaan. Om uw en onze veiligheid en gezondheid te waarborgen gelden daarom tijdelijk de volgende maatregelen:
- We laten zo min mogelijk mensen tegelijk toe in onze wachtruimte.
- We werken alleen op afspraak.
- Kom indien mogelijk alleen naar een afspraak.
- We schudden geen handen.
- We wassen onze handen voordat we uw auto betreden.
- We plaatsen een hoes die uw autostoel volledig bedekt.
- Onze ruimtes zijn groot genoeg om de 1,5 meter afstand in acht te kunnen nemen.
- Alle ruimtes en veelgebruikte voorwerpen worden bij ons regelmatig grondig gereinigd.
Wij hopen op uw begrip en wensen iedereen veel sterkte en gezondheid toe in deze moeilijke periode.
Dank en tot snel,
Team ChiptuneRS.